
Ms Sangita Nandurkar

Department Electrical Engineering
Designation Assistant Professor
Nature of Association Regular
Date of joining 05/07/2012
Qualifications  M.E.(Power Electronics and Drives)
Area of Specialization Power Electronics and Drives
Total Teaching Experience 12 years
Courses Taught (UG) ADSMC,RES, Electric Traction D&C, PE, ESD LAb, EPS-II, MICROGRID
Courses Taught (PG) ID&C
Research Interests Power Electronics and Drives, Renewable Energy
 UG Year of Passing 2000 ( Nagpur University)
 PG Year of Passing 2012 (Mumbai University)
workshops/STTPs Attended/conducted 14
Publications and Conferences: 03
Number of Projects Guided: 25
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