Prof. Shilpa Bansu

Mrs Shilpali Bansu (HOD)


DepartmentArtificial Intelligence & Data Science
DesignationAssistant Professor
Nature of AssociationRegular
Date of joining10/07/2006
Area of SpecializationOntology- Natural language Processing
Total Teaching Experience19 years
CoursesTaught (UG)Data Structures, Theory of Computer Science, Computer Organization and Architecture, Database Management System, Microprocessor, Advanced Microprocessor, Web Technology, Distributed Computing, Advanced Database Management System, E-commerce, System Programming and Compiler Construction, Machine Learning.
CoursesTaught (PG)Semantic Web Technology.
Research InterestsNatural Language processing 
 UG Year of Passing2001(North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon)
 PG Year of Passing2014(Mumbai University)
workshops/STTPs Attended04
workshops/STTPs Conducted01
Member of Professional BodyISTE, CSI
Publications and Conferences:National Conference: 04, International Conference: 05
Number of Projects Guided:UG:40+
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