Dr. Amol Patil

Mr Amol G.Patil


Department Electronics and Telecommunication Engg.
Designation Assistant professor
Nature of Association Regular
Date of joining 14/07/2003
Qualifications M.E.
Area of Specialization Cooperative Control Theory
Total Teaching Experience 21 Years
Total Industry Experience 3 Years
CoursesTaught (UG) Signals and Systems, Discrete Time Signal Processing, Network Theory, Random Signal Analysis, Artificial Neural Network and Fuzzy Logic, Deep Learning
Courses Taught (PG) Parallel Processing & computations
Research Interests Control Theory
 UG Year of Passing 14/08/1998,NMU Jalgaon
 PG Year of Passing 14/08/2009,VJTI Mumbai
 PhD Pursuing
Number of Talks Delivered 4
workshops/STTPs Conducted 5
Publications And Conferences: National Journal:1, National Conference:5
Number of Projects Guided: UG:100
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