Electrical Engineering Students Association (EESA)

The Electrical Engineering Students Association (EESA) is the student organization run by the students for the welfare and development of student community. The association is run by enthusiastic youngsters who believe in the inclusive growth of entire student community. EESA organizes various technical and nontechnical events, invites number of renowned professionals for conducting seminars, workshops and industrial visits for the students.

EESA Committee

Faculty Co-ordinator

Mrs. Jaishree S. Jadhav

Aditya Hiray

Cultural Event Secretary

Samruddhi Torane

Social Event Secretary

Ninad Joshi

Technical Event Secretary

Rutik Pednekar

Industrial Event Secretary

Dhruv Panchal

Magazine/Newsletter Secretary

Sarthak Bhoir

Public Relation Secretary

Chinmay Parate

Photography & media Secretary

Akshada Khairnar

Creative committee Secretary

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