1 | Dr. U. M. Shirole, M. K. Gavhade, M. J. Pitale, M. P. Sonar | “Covid-19 social distance monitoring via cctv,” IRJMETS .Volume:03/Issue:05/May-2021,e-ISSN: 2582-5208 |
2 | Dr. U. M. Shirole and M. Joshi | “A mathematical model for prediction of lvef from ecg in a three-point deterioration study of cardiac health in diabetics,” Technology, vol. 11, no. 12, pp. 1846–1854, 2020. |
3 | Dr. U. M. Shirole, M. Joshi, and P. Bagul | “Cardiac, diabetic and normal subjects classification using decision tree and result confirmation through orthostatic stress index,” Unlocked, vol. 17,p. 100 252, 2019. Informatics in Medicine |
4 | Dr. U. M. Shirole, C. Deshmukh, A. Chavan | “An approach for real-time road deformation detection using image processing,” 2017. |
5 | Dr. U. M. Shirole and M. Joshi | “Cardiac autonomous function assessment in congestive heart failure using hrv analysis,” Artificial Intelligence conference, 2016. |
6 | Dr. U. M. Shirole and M. Joshi | “Time domain analysis of heart rate variability: An approach for cardiac stress assessment,” in 2021 4th Biennial International Conference on Nascent Technologies in Engineering (ICNTE), IEEE, 2021, pp. 1–5. |
7 | Dr. U. M. Shirole, M. Joshi, and P. Bagul | “Linear and nonlinear analysis of cardiac and diabetic subjects,” in Advances in Data Science: Third International Conference on Intelligent Information Technologies, ICIIT 2018, Chennai, India, December 11–14, 2018, Proceedings 3, Springer, 2019, pp. 130–140. |
8 | Dr. U. M. Shirole | “Physical activity and hrv- a survey,” in Artificial Intelligence conference on 27th and 28th Dec 2016, at NMIMS Shirpur, Dist Dhule, 2016. |
9 | Dr. U. M. Shirole | “Recent advancement in medical imaging,” in Emerging Trednds in Electronics and Technology, A.C. Patil College of Engineering, Navi Mumbai, 2013. |
10 | Dr. U. M. Shirole | “Review of rfid based toll collection system,” in Emerging Trednds in Electronics and Technology,A. C. Patil College of Engineering, Navi Mumbai, 2013. |
11 | Dr. U. M. Shirole | “Solar power based agriculteral field,” in Emerging Trednds in Electronics and Technology, A. C. Patil College of Engineering, Navi Mumbai, 2013. |
12 | Dr. U. M. Shirole | “Adhoc routing protocols,” in International Conference Information Technology, V. E. S.Institute of Technology, Mumbai, 2007. |
13 | Dr. Manjusha A. Deshmukh | ” Analysis of Hybrid Broadcasting Schemes in MANET”, Greenz Publications, 2020 |
14 | Dr. Manjusha A. Deshmukh | ” Multi-criteria Decision Making for Routing Process in MANET”, Springer publication in Studies in Systems, Decision and Control book series (SSDC,volume 266), 2020 |
15 | Dr. Manjusha A. Deshmukh | Book Chapter: Internet of Things, Smart Computing and Technology: A Road map ahead from Studies in Systems, Decision, and Control, Springer, May 2019 |
16 | Dr. Manjusha A. Deshmukh | ” Adaptive routing for emergency communication via MANET”, Published by De Gruyter 2019 |
17 | Dr. Manjusha A. Deshmukh | “Proactive Neighbor Knowledge-based Hybrid Broadcasting in MANET”, International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) ,2019 |
18 | Dr. Manjusha Deshmukh | “A Survey on Traditional and Hybrid Approaches to Broadcasting in MANET”, International Journal of Engineering Technology, Management and Applied Sciences, Volume 3, Issue 1, January 2015. DIIF Impact Factor 2.24. |
19 | Dr. Manjusha Deshmukh | “Mobility Aware Refined Counter Based Broadcasting Model of MANET” in SCI indexed International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET), Volume 2, Issue 1, April 2015. Scientific Journal Impact Factor 7.211 |
20 | Dr. Manjusha Deshmukh | ”Improving Performance Of Counter Based Flooding in Mobile Ad-hoc Network” in International Journal of Emerging Technologies and Applications in Engineering, Technology and Sciences (IJETA-ETS) in January, 2010 Issue. |
21 | Dr. Manjusha Deshmukh | “Advances in Networking and Mobile Computing” during March 25-27, 2010 organized by the Department of Information Technology, Ramrao Adik Institute of Technology. |
22 | Prof. Yasmeen Z. Attar | “Document verification based on blockchain technology” published in ACPCE TECHLIGHT, vol.i, January, 2024. |
23 | Prof. Yasmeen Z. Attar | “Autonomous Rover: Obstacle Avoidance and Environmental Monitoring”, in the International Conference on Advances in Technology and Management (ICATM – 2024) organized by A.C.Patil college of Engineering , Kharghar,Navi Mumbai,India during 5th and 6th April-2024. |
24 | Prof. Yasmeen Z. Attar | “5G A Wireless Communication-A Survey”, Published with paper code 01-2018-1382 in IEEE sponsored international conference of EECCMC-2018 with catalog “EFP18037-PRJ:978-1-5386-4303-7”,organized by Priyadarshini Engineering college, Vellore district,Tamil-Nadu,India during 28 th and 29 th January-2018. |
25 | Prof. Yasmeen Z. Attar | “Survey on Audio Communication for Location Information by Using Visible Light Communication”, Published in IJRITCC Journal, Volume 5, Issue 4, April 2017. |
26 | Prof. Yasmeen Z. Attar | “A Modified Approach Based on SLM for OFDM PAPR Reduction Using Time Domain four Sub-Block Conversion Matrix”, published in IJRITCCVolume-03 Issue-4, April 2015. |
27 | Prof. Yasmeen Z. Attar | “A Modified Approach Based On SLM for OFDM PAPR Reduction Using Time Domain Sub-Block Conversion Matrix”, at ICETTA -2014organized by Saraswati College of Engineering, Kharghar on 11th and 12th November, 2014. |
28 | Prof. Yasmeen Z. Attar | “Complex Number Reed-Solomon Coded OFDM by Unique Word Length”, International Journal of Networking and Parallel Computing (IJNPC) ISSN 2319-4529 Volume-03. |
29 | Prof. Yasmeen Z. Attar | “Non-systematic complex number RS coded OFDM BER performance”, in national conference on “Advances in Technology & Management” on February 2014 at A.C.Patil college of engineering,Kharghar,Navi-Mumbai,Maharashtra,India. |
30 | Prof. Kalpana R. Shewale | “NCATM-2017” titled, “Li-Fi Communication under High Density Medium”,4th National conference in A.C. Patil College of Engg. Kharghar 2017 |
31 | Prof. Kalpana R. Shewale | “Image Steganography- Hiding data within image”. International Journal of Computer Science & Engineering in 2017 |
32 | Prof. Kalpana R. Shewale | “Image watermarking using Wavelet Denoising Method”, International Journal of Soft Computing & Engineering in 2013 |
33 | Prof. Kalpana R. Shewale | “A Novel Multimodal Biometric Watermarking Scheme for Security & Authentication”, National conference in CCET Bhilai in TECHNOLOGIA-2012 |
34 | Prof. Kalpana R. Shewale | Natural resources and Minerals in Chhattisgarh: A Survey”, National conference in SSTC Bhilai in 2012 |
35 | Prof. Kalpana R. Shewale | “Information security by Biometric Watermarking”, International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology in 2012 |
36 | Dr. Asra Sadaf | “An Empirical Study on Work Life Balance of Professional Social Workers in India” published in Turkish Online Journal of Qualitative Inquiry, peer- reviewed international journal 12(10) (e-ISSN: 1309-6591). 2021 |
37 | Dr. Asra Sadaf | “Work-Life Balance of professional social workers during Covid-19 in India” at 8th Indian Social Work congress which held on 28 Feb to 2 March 2021 (virtually) by National Association of Professional Social Workers in India (NAPWI). |
38 | Dr. Asra Sadaf | “Morality among the children in the modern society” at 16 th Samanwaya International conference and Social Wok Student meet held at Department of Social Work, BCM College, Kottayam, Kerala in February 2019. |
39 | Dr. Asra Sadaf | “Presented a paper on “Occupational Stress among Social Workers” at 5 th Indian Social Work Conference held at University of Delhi in October 2018. |
40 | Dr. Asra Sadaf | “Digital India and Social Work Profession” at 4 th Indian Social Work Congress organised by NAPSWI and Mahatma Gandhi Kashi Vidyapith, Varanasi (22-24 October, 2016).” |
41 | Ms. Puja Patil | “Effective Crawler: A two stage Crawler for Deep-Web Crawling”, Published in International Journal of Science, Engineering and Technology, in Volume 5 Issue 2 2017 |
42 | Ms. Puja Patil | “Mining Workflow Models from Web Application”,, Published in International Journals of Scientific Progress & Research, in Volume 30, Number 30, December 2016 |